Moving Forward

Last Wednesday, Brian and I sent an email to our agency telling them we would like to move forward in adopting T*! We are so excited because he seems to be a perfect fit for our family. Since we've accepted the informal referral, the agency and lawyers in South Africa will bring a referral request and our dossier before a court to request an official referral. This process will take about four weeks. That puts us about 3-4 months out before heading to South Africa if all goes well!

Please be praying with us as we are hoping that we will be approved and that it will take less time and we can get to South Africa sooner rather than later. Our desire is to be with our son for Christmas this year and home before the end of the year. 

More info to come soon!

*Real name will be withheld until he is legally our son.

Posted on July 27, 2015 and filed under adoption, South Africa, season of waiting.