Thursday, February 11
Today was a day of rest. We finished off Tisetso’s cough and spit series with success. What a huge relief! It was tiring not letting him eat or drink anything (except water) before the doctor’s appointments. Tisetso found them relaxing as he would get a 30- to 60-minute massage then do his thing. We decided to celebrate and Tisetso asked to do a picnic on our balcony.
Our traditional McDonald's pancakes after the doctor's office.
After the cough and spit, we went to the mall to pick out picnic supplies. Brian and Tisetso went ahead to the grocery store to start getting the supplies, while I went to the stationary store to get pens and paper. I loved having a few minutes to myself in a stationary store. HEAVEN! When I was done blowing through all of my spending money, I met up with Brian and Tisetso in the grocery store. We were able to get some fun stuff. It was funny because Tisetso chose pretty much everything you can get in America. When he told Brian he wanted biscuits (cookies), Brian thought we’d get to try some unique South African delights. Nope! Oreos for this kid!
Picnic supplies!
Our picnic was simple, but a huge deal to our kid. It was a special treat for celebrating being done with his medical. It also ended up being inside (though on the floor around our coffee table) after he decided he wanted to watch Ben10 while eating lunch. After the mall, we did little else today. It was much needed, as we’ve been going full steam ahead. It was hard for me not to go do things because we know our time here is even more limited than we originally thought, but we all needed a break from being tourists.
Getting ready for our picnic.
My son stalling at bedtime by being Roy's hairdresser.
Today made me excited to be home—to be in the mundane for a little bit. We’ve been out of the USA for 7 weeks (1.5 in London and 5.5 in South Africa). I cannot wait to be home and to be in our house. We’ve been gone just as long as we lived in our new house. When I think of home, I really have to press myself to remember what it’s even like. I am glad to have had two summers this year. What a life!